Refurbishing offices – key to a sustainable future

What are the economic and green challenges and opportunities from refurbishing office buildings?
Written By:
Michael Connolly, Knight Frank
1 minute to read

New build vs refurb – what are the key differences and what are the implications for occupiers and investors? 

Liam speaks with Will Matthews, Knight Frank's head of commercial research and Janine Cole, sustainability and social impact director for Great Portland Estates, looking at how office buildings will evolve over the next few years. 

ESG and embodied carbon

They shine a spotlight on ESG strategies for both investors and occupiers building new green space as well as refurbishing existing buildings. 

Janine delves into the challenges of refurbishing an existing building to make it greener. Limiting the amount of Embodied carbon can need a number of specialist solutions, that Janine offers some recent examples of. 

Will talks more about rental premiums for BREAAM certifications and what that means for investors and occupiers.  

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